If you are looking for the best strategy for your brand between content marketing and advertising. Follow the article below to get yourself the most suitable choice.

Content marketing and Advertising

Content marketing : Includes blogs, videos, podcasts, emails, ebooks, and articles on social networking sites. 

Advertising will focus on web banners, advertising on TV or on apps, most often on Youtube, Spotify, Tik Tok .. in addition, leaflets and publications are also a form of advertising. 

Both are distributed across media, search engines (Google is an example), websites and other digital platforms.

Frequency of appearance

Businesses when promoting products always aim to increase the purchasing ability of consumers through advertising. However, on average, ads will have to appear about 7 times in a month to create enough credibility and stimulate the need for customers.

With content marketing, although your content may appear continuously, it is not possible to immediately sell products. But this is an activity that increases product value with loyal readers and turns them into buyers.

Content marketing and advertising change drastically every day, which forces content creators and businesses to update and thoroughly analyze the data. Previously, ads were limited in terms of targeting, so the audience often just appeared in many places randomly. Now, thanks to tools that analyze consumer behavior, advertising, and content can both bring their products to the right audience. As a result, content marketers are more convenient in researching and producing content suitable for that customer file. Address customer needs through both advertising and content.


Digital marketing today allows users to easily access product advertising content from social networks. Content will be even more reputable if shared through friends and family

In addition to finding information, customers can also choose products through likes, hashtags, reviews, etc. Shared information also helps customers easily see product/service recommendations.

California Fitness & Yoga Center Vietnam is one of the brands that are using various forms of “shareable content”. In addition to content about exercise packages, services, and promotions, it also gives value to customers with health content that many gymers are interested in.

Build content that is directly or indirectly relevant to what they care about, delivers value to customers, and drives its sharing. From there, potential customers can see “shareable content” from family and friends. There is an opportunity to speed up the purchase decision. 

Buyer psychology is often skeptical of advertising content (unless it is an excellent advertisement). So it’s the marketer’s responsibility to create content that convinces customers to make a decision about a product/service without making them feel suspicious about being sold or being “ad blindness”. cover your eyes and buy products)


Content marketing provides information and content around the life needs of consumers. When potential customers interact with a post by leaving a comment, sharing, tagging or leaving their email, this gives the brand a better chance to approach customer care. 

Density advertising appears in many places to increase brand awareness as well as “suggest” to customers many times about their own needs and interest in products. Accelerate the consumer buying decision process.

Whichever way you choose, the ultimate goal of a business is to connect with customers most naturally and maintain a brand presence.


Content marketing focuses on giving value to consumers, showing benefits, uses or even entertainment for customers. Build trust in the brand as well as build customer loyalty.

Advertising normally just stops at information about products/services. Some advertising uses entertainment to attract consumers, to persuade them to come closer to the purchase decision. Today, advertisers place more importance on promoting the value of content than focusing on closing the sale.


Content marketing helps products connect with customers, valuable product information and close links create brand trust, consumers will come to purchase decisions faster. Effective content to connect with customers including creating events, webinars, user-generated content

Advertising only allows one-way communication from the brand side. Advertisers share product information with a target group of customers and hope the ad is provocative enough to make them buy.

Content marketing costs compared to advertising

In every advertising campaign, cost is always the top concern. When comparing advertising and content marketing, the cost of content production is usually lower. According to Forbes, content marketing is 62% cost effective and attracts three times more potential customers than traditional advertising.

For advertising, each impression costs the business money. In contrast, content after being distributed can appear anywhere, exist forever without additional costs. This is one of the reasons content marketing achieves a greater ROI than advertising.

Content Marketing ROI Cost

Each campaign before being launched often has to measure the cost of payment. Then take into account ROI strategies and their ability to attract conversions. According to OptinMonster, several factors affect the cost of content marketing. To calculate this cost, the basic formula would be: 

  • Add up all the content that generates sales – the investment costs to create content
  • Divide this amount by total investment made x 100

If you’re unsure of how effective content marketing is, always remember that 63% of business marketers claim they can generate leads or demand by creating quality content.

Advertising ROI cost

As of 2019, businesses spend an average of $9,000 to $10,000 monthly on social media advertising campaigns. The cost per keyword will vary based on the topic and product goals you want to target. 

For example, Facebook’s average CPC costs a fair amount and the ads produce good results. This means you get a great ROI.

If you want to convince/educate consumers about the value of brand products, content marketing is the most suitable choice. On the contrary, if you want to generate sales, the ads will work faster. A professional marketing team will know how to combine these two strategies. Work across multiple channels and use content tailored to your leads. Once you’ve built a relationship between your product and customer needs, you can move on to advertising to drive the customer’s purchase of your product/service.

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