Beauty salons are not competing, but the real competition is who can reach a new group of customers who have never thought about cosmetic surgery. To attract this new group of customers, the salon needs to tell a different story and provide a fresh and compelling reason why you should visit the salon. This is exactly what this article is about: We need fresh and more realistic insights for salon advertising, not celebrities or similar advertising messages.

There is a strange contradiction that although there are many salon brands launched in 2020, the advertising messages, as well as marketing activities, are still not much different. Many brands offer a popular keyword which is youth, prolong youth or keep youth forever. However, no brand has clarified what value prolonging youth will bring to customers’ lives.

To answer this question, it is necessary to touch on the deeper layers of social contradictions, gender equality, and women’s desire to assert themselves.

Insight 1: When I was young, I forgot my youth

Dive into making money and then one day realize wrinkles under your eyes, melasma on your cheeks, and rough skin, unfortunately, you have missed the best time to take care of & maintain your youthful beauty. me. Effective cosmetic procedures can be an opportunity for you to correct past mistakes. It also gives the peace of mind that in the future you will keep up with your youthful friends who have been interested in beauty care since early.

Insight 2: Prolong youth to get equal opportunities with men

Must get married before beauty fades. Accept that your career will at some point slow down to give way to other priorities. Hurry up, take advantage because we don’t have as much time as men.

Why take advantage when wise cosmetic measures can help you prolong your youth? The more time you have, the more options you have. Make yourself a priority.

Insight 3: Beauty to give her husband pride and luxury every time a wife walks with her

Maybe this beauty is not only for you but also for your husband. Perhaps he is making strides in his career and needs a lot of support from his wife. Maybe he needs you to step with him in a noble way on important business events. Maybe successful men are thanks to the woman behind them.

The fast-paced social media life, the trends that quickly come and go, and the new marketing tricks that are discussed actively on the forums make marketers run forever to increase viral and reduce paid media prices. We don’t have time to think and observe deeply enough to come up with promising approaches and good storytelling.

If you could say one thing about advertising for beauty salons today, chances are it would be: Have a good story, then all communication strategies will be discussed later.

Sit down with SKYPERRY and start a friendly conversation. Dig deep into the brand situation to see what we can do to make your brand more distinct.

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