You often hear about “trending” content, “unique, strange” content. In this article, we will learn about the process and how to build high-quality content. First, let’s go through each layer of content!

Content production  – or content production, is a long-term activity, built on the positioning of the brand and the target audience.

In marketing, content is “king” but this activity is often abandoned by businesses that want to achieve quick results and are not strict about content production. 

The key to producing high-quality content is a proper understanding of content marketing.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is about building valuable content that serves the right needs of potential customers and ultimately drives customer action for profit. 

If marketing is a fat cake with tons of delicious flavors, so is the “content” cake.

Whether you check in on Instagram, Facebook, or your daily story about the glass of water you drink, your cat, or your lover…. That’s not what content marketing does. 

The difference of content marketing is to solve a specific problem or target a customer: 

  1. Content that has the ability to solve the needs of customers (or the audience who will buy the brand’s products)
  2. Optimized for SEO standards of content or videos, increasing user experience and high conversion rate. 
  3. Target certain segments for each marketing channel.
  4. Effectiveness is measured and evaluated through content through KPI or ROI of each campaign. 

The content marketing playground is very diverse in activities, including: 

  • Blog/News
  • Video production
  • Podcast
  • Slideshow
  • Present 
  • Infographics, GIF, memes
  • Email
  • Workshops and interviews
  • Book
  • Course
  • Social media
  • Ebook/Whitepaper

Depending on the social media channels businesses want to develop to choose the right type of content. The correct format, structure, or even the music that is hot on each social page… to produce content that is suitable for the target audience.

As for the competition, you can choose the same content as the competition but with a better version to increase the competition or create completely different and unique content. 

What is high-quality content?

To best address this question, take a look at Search Intent

Several types of search intents have become very popular in recent years:

  1. Information  – information search: All questions related to the current situation, “What is Miss A wearing?” “  The hottest MV?” “What is there to see in showbiz” …  This is not a way to increase sales, but these keywords can be used to help customers easily know the brand as well as access the brand’s website.
  2. Navigation  – this is easy to see in Google Search Console. Customers will be people who are familiar with the brand/product and want to visit the brand’s website.
  3. Comparison  – the customer is closer to making a purchase, but buying from you or a competitor is unknown. Product reviews, price comparisons, analysis, and feedback are frequently changed. This is outside of the website and even though brands are still trying to prove themselves to be the best. 
  4. Purpose  – Buying is a big factor, factors to trigger a purchase such as: Sign up for purchases, discounts, free shipping, fast delivery 24h… – things related to “closing orders”. If selling is the main goal, then consider building a good experience for the buyer as well. PPC costs can be quite high right now, but your investment in customer experience is well worth it. 

Google (and other tools) focuses on user engagement and interest in queue websites. This answers the question  “How to keep visitors on your website for the longest time”. The higher the title, the higher the visit rate will push the website’s position higher on Google rankings. And the higher the bounce rate, the lower your website will be, so the website content should match the user’s search needs. 

Data, Research, Evaluation, Reputation

One of the aspects of customer ranking and retention is Prestige:

Building reputable content should be based on the following factors:

  • Statistics
  • Research by experts
  • True story
  • Stories from customers who have experienced
  • Pictures from customers
  • Quotes from the experts
  • Market data
  • Summary report

Reputation and quality content will help the article’s position on Google be higher. Conspicuous non-advertising or commercial review posts are often ranked high, attracting more views.

Converting quality content?

Creating quality content is an important part of successful campaigns, but conversion is still the most important thing.

Besides creating a good product, make sure that the buying experience is also. Your CTA (call to action) is prominent enough, moderate (no spam), and clearly understands the needs of the customer.

And that’s the big picture of the main points of quality content, now let’s get to the core and learn how to go about it.

1. Purchase stage

Building content supports faster buying action, reducing psychological barriers when customers are faced with a purchase decision.

The journey to a purchase decision has many different steps, but according to HubSpot’s analysis there are key cycles that buyers go through to lead to a purchase decision:

  1. Awareness:  Buyers recognize their problems and needs. At this point, we need to determine the consumer’s situation, understand the need, and how does this problem arise? What creates demand and how does that influence their perceived buying problem? 
  2. Consideration: Understand your own problem to find a solution. At this time, buyers can search for information on websites, social networking sites, videos, newspapers, etc. Consumers can understand products and their characteristics. From there, make the appropriate purchasing criteria.
  3. Decision: After evaluating all their criteria, consumers will form a decision to buy a product. 

From this journey, we can bring content to consumers at each stage and help them get used to the brand’s products and services. 

However, we still often make a few mistakes:

  • Non-convertible content: Content follows the customer from the beginning to the end, but in each stage, the content does not change to match the needs of the customer leading to the non-conversion of action.
  • Content between stages is not linked together: The purchase journey can take a long time (especially for B2B customers), and it is easy for businesses to “lose” customers. So you need quality content, and different content formats enough to follow customers to the end. This is also a way to build credibility and get closer to conversion.

2. Content combination

Identifying tools, channels, and teams dedicated to your brand is important. However, if you have not built a team including market research, fanpage management, design, and content/copywriter… to meet all the above factors, the simpler way is to think: SOCIAL CHANNEL HIGH-QUALITY CONTENT MEDIA

There are a few notes to get started:

  • Facebook with B2C and LinkedIn with B2B
  • Build different content from what is already available. If Facebook and youtube are saturated with image and video content, businesses can turn to podcasts. Or switch to other platforms like Tiktok, Instagram is less saturated (while other platforms have more traffic and competition) 
  • And of course – Do what’s best for your business image first. Even if podcasts or videos aren’t a hugely popular platform in your niche, if you have a great speaker, this is definitely the place to capitalize on and make a splash. 

However, whatever the platform, or the content, always be persistent with them.

3. Content Research

This can be thought of as competitor research – but more advanced. 

With the same audience, it is necessary to research the content, social channels, and campaigns of competitors, and see how they perform with those customers. What works, and what doesn’t? 

BuzzSumo can be used for research. BuzzSumo aggregates effective content with high engagement in the field you want to develop.

BuzzSumo can help you:

  • Synthesize brands with high recognition in the field you want to target
  • Find effective content in each area
  • Point out the social channels with good interaction
  • Provide shared accounts who are interested in content about your niche on Twitter’s platform

This step will make your content direction more specific, including Topics that your potential customers are interested in, the right format, and tailored to each consumer’s buying stage.

4. Make a specific plan 

This is followed by creating a concrete plan of what to research. You can write down a list of 20 (or more) content ideas you want to try as a beginner (this content can be used on different social channels, or in the form of videos, or podcasts..)

Usually, when combined with an agency, they will suggest producing over a hundred pieces of content per month, selecting and sifting down to about 40, and planning production. With videos, they research to find out information, and answers on social and choose good ideas to implement.

Once you’re satisfied with your plan and list of ideas (the longer, the better), it’s time to allocate time to produce content.

5. Content air time

Time to promote content is also important. For most reporting metrics, the results will vary depending on when you post or distribute them. For each social channel, the time to promote is also different

According to TrackMaven, here are the hours that work well on social channels:

The same rule applies to publishing content on other social channels. For example, articles published on LinkedIn perform a lot better if you get a bunch of comments within the first hour.

Finding the right algorithm and rules for each social channel will promote more content promotion, from which your campaign will be more effective and reach customers better.

6. Promote

A popular content marketing principle is the Pareto 80/20: 20% of the time you spend producing content and 80% promoting and distributing it. 

Continuously promote and build a community of content followers on media channels. “Reuse” effective content and refresh it over time in stages. 

Time frame selection is also an important factor. Research the effective time frames of each social channel and schedule posts. Initially, only try with $20 – $50 per post and monitor the amount of interaction, customers can then adjust to having suitable plans for future posts.

7. Repetition

Rebuild new content, while still promoting the most recent campaigns, leveraging old content that works and their content related to each other and relevant to the campaign you are running. 

This helps brands fully exploit the produced content and maximize efficiency across platforms.

8. Storytelling

The story behind the product is very important because, without them, the product is just a list of features. Consumers need solutions for their needs, and Storytelling enables features to work more specifically through real-life scenarios. 

To learn more about these stories, you can answer the following factors to be able to write a story: 

  • Our mission and business goals
  • Company culture
  • The story of when I first started working
  • Product ideas to solve customer needs. 

And to build a new “empire” there will be two following ways, but the first way is rare because there are many brands that innovate daily and it will be difficult to catch up with them.

  • Build a completely new, unique product, and the first products will always impress customers the most.
  • Find out the products that are most interesting to consumers, thereby improving and competing with similar competitors in the market

Once you’ve researched your audience, content, and content delivery platforms, make sure to always optimize and watch channels work to push them further. 

There are many alternative forms of marketing out there, but they only work when you create quality content!