Content production and Content marketing, although these are two different activities, you definitely cannot choose either. Businesses are always looking for ways to balance and help brands get closer to consumers.


Content marketing is the distribution of information through the media, the purpose to attract and increase the accessibility of products to customers.

Content production is the creation of content for marketing including text, images, video, audio, etc. This is the first and most important stage of content marketing.

 For example: In a newspaper, what you do to research content and information to write is Content Production. Then you bring the information printed in the newspaper and distributed in many different places, that is Content marketing.

Types of Content Marketing

Content is “king” – This saying holds true all the time. Content is the foundation for all types of marketing today. 

There are 5 main types of content marketing:

  • Posts 
  • Video
  • Downloadable content (E-book, Whitepaper, report)
  • Native content (original content, posted directly on social networking sites) 
  • Podcasts and audio content

Content production is not simply creating content, but there are many other factors to study. A few important factors you should consider when producing content are:

Determine the goal

Before producing content you need to determine the right direction. Content can go in the direction of entertainment, information or education… That form depends on the social channel you will distribute and the audience you target. 

In addition, it is also necessary to identify content with the brand’s colors and conversion purposes. The conversion goal of this content campaign is traffic? or brand identity?… All will have different requirements in content production. 

Know your customers

The main goal of content marketing is to build a connection with consumers and attract potential customers. Therefore, understanding the brand’s customer file is very important

You can answer the following questions to get a better idea of ​​what content is right for your audience: 

  • What form of content do readers prefer? – Video, text or audio will attract them more?
  • Content approach? – Do readers often use desktop computers, phones or laptops?
  • What topics are the target readers most interested in? even if the topic is not directly related to your product or service. This is also a great tip for creating shared content to indirectly attract customers. 

Deliver value through content 

You need to identify the customer’s problem, as well as their desire to create content that solves that problem. 

With each part of content production, always put yourself in the position of the customer and evaluate whether the product is really necessary for you or not. Make sure the value you offer is greater than the time consumers spend consuming. In other words, don’t make customers feel like they are wasting their time receiving information from the brand.

Content production and content marketing are two activities that always go hand in hand. Content marketing cannot work if the information or content provided is of poor quality. Similarly, producing good content is also difficult to achieve if the brand does not know the audience and the appropriate marketing strategy.

A good marketer doesn’t necessarily need to know how to produce content, just as a good content writer sometimes doesn’t need to have outstanding marketing skills. But together they create a stronger, more continuous and effective connection. Create content, market them to the right channels, to the right audience, and get more information about your potential customers from which the cycle is improved and the content produced is better.

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