Develop a content marketing strategy for the brand that includes the requirement to produce a variety of engaging content tailored to different stages of the customer journey, and measure content marketing. effectively. Without a content measurement step, brands can’t determine what parts are working well or how to fix the points that reduce brand value.

  1. Criteria of measurement
  2. The benefits of long-term measurement
  3. Conclusion

Measurement comes from analyzing huge amounts of data, and it can be difficult for brands to know exactly which numbers to focus on.

1. Criteria of measurement

The hardest part about measuring content marketing is determining the data that best represents the success of your campaign.

To figure out which metrics to measure, first flip through your pre-campaign goals to determine what’s important, and then focus on the numbers around them. In addition, reverse engineering of the buyer’s journey can help decide what numbers to analyze.

For example, if the initial goal is to expand the list of potential customers – for email marketing, then likes and shares (engagement) are not worth much. When looking at a six-month analysis and seeing that there are no subscriptions from the website, it’s clear that the content isn’t effective enough and we need to focus on another metric.

With the goal of attracting readers and building long-term relationships with customer groups, a small media campaign cannot give a brand the expected high efficiency. Instead, it requires nurturing and satisfying information needs to ensure customers continue to follow the channel. 

In a conventional long-term content marketing strategy, it is divided into two closely linked parts, including always-on content, with the goal of maintaining the following of existing readers, and key-hook content, The goal is to get more interaction from other readers.

However, data from each stage of a content marketing campaign still plays an important role. What marketers should consider is how each individual part of the strategy supports the other. For brands, when working with content marketing agencies, it is necessary to clarify goals and consider KPIs to measure when implementing campaigns.

2. Benefits of long-term measurement

There are a large number of different forms of content used by brands in online media. If we only focus on measuring the effectiveness of each form in a short period of time, it is difficult for us to grasp what kind of content is effective, and what effect it has.

Long-term measurement has a big advantage when it comes to creating new content. There are a million permutations of an idea. If an industry spike occurs, we can retry old ideas, amplify it again, or add updates to fit the circumstances.


The decisive factor in measuring the effectiveness of the marketing content used determines the measurement criteria for each campaign stage. With a long-term campaign, the first stage is usually to create brand and product awareness, here the targets of reach and coverage of the message will play the most important role. In the stimulus phase, the KPIs on interaction, and conversion index are decisive factors for effectiveness.

Any content plan that comes out won’t be perfect right away. It is only through careful measurements that content agencies and brands can identify what is not suitable for the audience to change.

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