Every year brands run always-on content marketing campaigns of different sizes. The goal of each campaign can be to attract customer’s attention, increase sales, or remind the brand’s presence.

However, there is always a sudden change and a large decrease in the number of people interested in the brand when the campaign is stopped. Meanwhile, other competitors may have launched an advertising program to attract customers’ attention.

Currently, through social media, customers have countless ways to find information about a brand. This means that a short-term marketing campaign will lose its impact faster than before.

From our experience with customers, many brands have had success when they use omnichannel and always-on marketing strategies that reach all points of the buying journey and build long-term relationships with customers. 

Note for SMEs when distributing digital content

Always-on content marketing establishes highly effective relationships by fostering better communication between brands and customers. In addition, online interaction reduces response wait times and opportunities for timely information response. While content marketing doesn’t dramatically increase social media engagement, it does ensure continued interest, fostering a sense of community and longer-lasting brand awareness.

Here are a few basic points to consider for implementing an effective always-on content marketing strategy in the long term:

Always-on content marketing must be data-driven

Without data, the generated content will just be articles with no purpose, not directed to a specific business reason or ROI. Businesses also do not measure whether the marketing campaign really reaches the right target audience or not. Always-on content producers need to know the numbers, based on a specific business goal and market research.

Always-on content needs a lot of high-quality content

Content is the fuel that drives digital marketing. Without it, you have nothing to drive other channels like email marketing, search, and social media. Content exists from market surveys, blogs, and ebooks to infographics, videos, or landing pages and apps. To ensure consistency in messaging, quality, and always-on content to integrate the understanding of the creative and social media departments.

Always-on content needs good stories

If you want to keep your readers engaged, always make sure to create good stories. For example, SKYPERRY  always advises its customers when building a sustainable content plan, in an interactive way. Whether it is basic visual content like GIF images, to minigames, multi-posts need to aim to provide useful information and solve customer problems. Telling good stories helps customers stay connected and connect with a brand for a long time.

Always-on content needs to be applied on all media channels

Besides connecting with audiences through owned channels such as websites and emails, brands should take advantage of social media channels. This will involve spending a budget building the right content on Facebook, and Youtube, Insta to reach new audiences.

Always-on content needs to match the content and other information of the business

Even if it’s not yet determined if it’s not aligned with the overall business goals, always-on content needs to work and integrate with departments like PR, sales, customer service, and product development. Products. One thing’s for sure, these departments are home to many of the customer stories, and they’ll also help ensure that the messages are reaching the right people.

Of course, running major marketing campaigns during the year is always important to businesses. Building a long-term always-on content strategy still has its place.

The effectiveness of a long-term always-on content strategy depends on defining the brand’s goals, and a coherent content plan. Always-on content continually engages readers, creates short-term effects, and doesn’t give time for brand appeal to fade.

Contact SKYPERRY immediately via hotline: 088 605 6868 or email support@skyperry.com for a quick consultation with SKYPERRY.